
The Most Gorgeous Anniversary Session Ever!!!!

Alyssa + Riley

These two are some of my closest friends ever, so when they asked me to do their one year wedding anniversary photos HOW COULD I SAY NO!?!?!?! Alyssa is one of my BEST friends, and she has always been there for me 120% of the time. Every time we’re together, I’m reminded of why our friendship is so special, WE SUPPORT EACH OTHER. It could be 10 days, or 2 seconds, but whenever we talk or hangout, its like no time has passed. She’s not only the most supportive person ever, but she challenges me and pushes me to be a better friend, wife, and photographer. Not only has she brought so much happiness into my life, Riley has been a constant friend in my life too!!! He’s always there to make me laugh, give me advice, or even make light of unfortunate situations. He may act like a grandpa sometimes, but thats one reason why I like him so much, he’s so chill! LOL.

I’m also sooo freaking proud of Alyssa and all the hard work she’s put into her business in the last year, check out her work here.

Anyways, I just love these two with me whole freaking heart, and I’m so lucky to call them best friends <3

Photographer: Kayla Esparza

Florals: Kayla Esparza

Dress: Lulus


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