Kyle + Kylie
Kylie and I met years and years ago. And honestly, I can’t even think of a definitive time when we became friends, it just feels like we’ve been friends our whole lives. She met Kyle working at Wild Waves one summer, and when she told me about him, you could just tell something was different about this guy. When I finally saw them together, I could see why he made her the happiest and best version of herself. They definitely compliment each other, but share a mutual goofy side. I love these two SO much and I was beyond thrilled to see them getting engaged this summer. Though it was a secret dream of mine to be their wedding photographer, I knew Kylie had been planning her wedding day since she was a little girl, and I could only imagine how many photographers she dreamt of working with. That was until one day, she texted me and said “Kyle and I neeeeeed you to be available for our wedding day, cause we want to hire YOU”. Not only did it put the biggest smile on my face EVER, it reminded me of how lucky I am to be someones DREAM photographer. Like whattttt isssss lifeeeeee. I definitely have the best job on the planet, and its couples like Kyle + Kylie who remind me of that.